ALLISON: I think I'm the 15th microphone test today? How's the sound? Not good. LEO: It's surprising how much it actually doesn't help. ALLISON: How much the...? LEO: How much the mic holder doesn't help the way that you want. Putting it here... ALLISON: How is here and I just project? Still no? AUDIENCE MEMBER: No, project. ALLISON: Having my lapel and then I project? That's okay? That's okay. I'll go for the projecting. Now, for the next kind of projecting. Okay. Hi. I'm Alison Kaptur and I work at Dropbox in San Francisco. I used to work at the Recurse Center when it was Hacker School. Today I want to talk about the recursion limit in Python without recursion or any limits. That's the two pieces. So recursion, a recursive function is one that calls itself. Here's factorial for n of one, it returns one, and otherwise we'll take n and multiply it by the result of calling the factorial n - 1. So it works the way that you would expect, here's factorial ten, here's factorial of 500. Here's factorial of 999. How about a thousand? No, that does not work. So instead, Python is throwing an exception that the maximum recursion depth has been exceeded. What's going on here? Well, in Python there's a recursion limit that governs home levels of recursion that you can have, and that limit is thousand and so we tried thousand it doesn't work. It's recursion but hang on a minute, we can set the recursion limit in runtime, and here's a screenshot of the doc saying a user may have to set the limit higher when she has a program that requires deep recursion. That's me! Great! So let's set it to be really big in case we needed really big factorials, like 100 million, let's say. So we calculate factorial of 100,000 and it works, great. Let's try factorial of a million! [ Laughter ] So now, instead of throwing an error, Python crashes. It's insightful and sending information to Apple pops up. So that's not better. Although I will say, say, segfaulting Python is really fun. And any day we fault Python is a good day in my book. So yeah, what happened? So if we look back at this documentation there's stuff that we ignored like, causing an overflow of the C stack and then crashing Python. So at some point, the c stack gets too big and the point at which that happens depends on your system, so it might be on my computer than on yours. Fun. So here's a question: We know that the Python recursion limit is a thousand by default and we tried to calculate a factorial of a thousand and this function requires one level of recursion per n. So a thousand should work, right? Why did we get the limit -- why did we hit the limit on thousand, instead of a thousand and one? So the first thing that you might think is there's an off by one error and the limit is enforcing less than a thousand. But we can check this in the source code and it's definitely not. This is the relevant snippet. Depth greater than the limit, so that's not the error. So where's this extra level of recursion coming from? So in fact, what's going on is that the recursion limit in Python -- I have to put scare quotes around that -- is not a limit on recursion per se, it's a limit on the total number of stack frames now, we get one stack frame for each recursive call we made, but in this case it could have been a rebel, or a module, or a function, or somewhere else. In fact we don't actually need to have any recursive calls at all. Python will through a recursion limit, will throw this limit when you hit the number of stack frames you specify regardless whether or not any of them were recursive. So someone mentioned it involves user dictionary words. So I experimentally, that you can hit the recursion limit this way definitely? Put so you'll get this exception whenever you reach the recursion limit in the number of calls in the stack without any recursion. So that's part one. The recursion without any recursion. Now, let's do part two, the recursion without any limits. So if you're a fan of recursion, you might be familiar with TCO. Tail call optimization. And tail call optimization is an optimization in some languages that says, "if we don't need to keep these lying around, we might as well not build the call stack in the first place, we'll just toss the frames and we'll just have this one frame not using a huge amount of memory and not crashing Python." And so in our example there is work to do while unwinding the stack. We said recurs down to n of one as we build up the stack and then as we unwind do that multiplication and so we're doing data on that stack, and all these and we need that around to do the multiplication. The formal way to put this is that: The recursion is not in the tail position put we can fix this. And all we have to do is move the multiplication to precede the recursion instead of following it. So here we're keeping it an accumulated product and when we get to n (1) we're done. so now we've moved into recursion, and there's no extra work to be done, we're unwinding the call stack. Great, so now that the factorial function is not recursive, we don't have to worry about the recursion anymore, right? Not exactly. In fact, not at all. We've written our function with recursion in the tail position but the compiler doesn't care about that. The compiler is doing almost exactly the same thing that it was doing before and it's going through the entire giant call stack and we have a problem again. Python doesn't support tail call optimization. What follows here is some of the goofiest and fun Python that I've ever written and I have to give red credit to my co-conspirators to it to Paul Dimonteand Claire Acleve (phonetic). Tail here's the idea, tail call optimization is basically turning it into a loop. What we want is Python when it gets to the recursive call at the end, update that -- so we want to go too, basically. But that's silly because there's no go-to in Python. There's not a go-to in Python but there is a go-to in Python byte code. Byte code is the language that the interpreter speaks that the compiler generates and our beef today is with the compiler doing the wrong thing. So the interpreter will step through the instructions that it's given and if they're well formed then it's great, and if not, then it's false. In Python there are jump instructions and this is a really fundamental thing because jump instructions are how you implement things like loops and if-statements. The compiler says, now, jump back and do these instructions again or skip these instructions under certain circumstances. Those are loops and conditions. So this is the existing byte code for the function. I notice this is kind of small, the details are not important. I want to draw your attention to three things. The first one is that there's a jump instruction in this byte code already, the pop, jump, and false, that's the conditional. So we're interested today in two other instructions. The first is load global which is the one that loads up that recursive call and then here closer at the bottom of 33 is call function which, you know, actually calls the function. So we can use load global to see if we're making the recursive call and then use the call function to try to make that jump and in trying to go from here to here basically instead of load global don't, and instead of call function, jump. So not too much of a difference. Okay. So how can we do this? So the first delightful surprise is that it's trivial to replace the code object associated with a Python function. You can literally just swap them out. Please never do this in real life. It totally works. It's also not hard to make a code object given an existing code object. So all we need to do is figure out how to change the byte code. Here's how to write our own byte code. Again you can ignore the details of this. I've included this to show that the janky version of this really requires less than 20 lines and this basically says that if the instruction is load global and the name that we're loading is our own name then don't. And if we're calling a function, then store the arguments of the function, so the arguments of n in the accumulator and then jump back to the byte code. Again, if you like faulting Python I highly recommend hacking byte code. Here we're calculating factorial of a thousand, and it totally works. AUDIENCE MEMBER: Yay! ALLISON: Now, let's try a million. This also works... eventually. I timed this. It took 23 minutes. I didn't include the result on the slide because it is 5.5 million digits long. So it didn't fit... so that's part two. Recursing with no limit in Python with hacking byte code. In the last minute that I have here I want to tell you about a really fun corner that I painted myself into while preparing for this doc, and that's when you set the Python recursion limit to one. A recursion of one means that you can only have one frame on the call stack. So that means... unlike other things the call function's -- so here we've succeeded setting the recurs limit to one, because we can call functions again but then we can't unset it and it's actually even better than that. Python can't print the message associated with this runtime error because that takes a frame. After that Python also can't gave a traceback because that also takes frames and so we're in a bit of a pickle here. And it gets even worse than that not only can we not call functions we can't do anything at all because executing a line of code in the referrer requires a frame and so we're totally stuck here. There's no way out of this without putting in Python, and in fact... [ Laughter ] [ Applause ] Is a recursion of one and thankfully Python is smart enough to ignore that when it's hitting the recursion limit and does let us quit the program and get back to bash. Thank you. LEO: Now that I know how to get stuck -- we're moving on to I'm in ur javaz haxxing ur codez. >> My voice is kind of dead. Can you hear me now? We're good? Cool. So this is I'm in your Javas, hacking your codes. So the first thing that I want to talk about is a public speaking hack. This is the most UK photo of myself that I can find, I'm 13 years old and I'm showing you this now because nothing say in this sentence is going to be more embarrassing than that. So onwards, about a year ago, I've seen this dialogue pop-up. And this is from a program called Little Snitch which is a Mac firewall and you set it up and any time your program in your computer makes a connection, it says, hey, this program is trying to connect here. And it's trying to connect to and for some context, maven is a Java tool. And maven, central, which is what is, ask the central for what maven is. So if you're using STP for Scala, you're pulling some stuff from there. And there's this company called Sonotype. That hosts maven central which is an expensive thing to do. There's, like, 900,000 different Java artifacts on there and it's probably a lot of megabytes of space. And they have this policy where, if you wanted to download stuff encrypted over SSL, you had to give them $10. The $10 would then be donated to the Apache Foundation. I don't know why they had this policy and I like to yell at the Internet. And they said that all features of all products are not free. SSL is offered with Nexus Pro and OSS, for those wishing for security, we offer that. Okay. That made me sad. So I decided to do something about it. And there's, like, a "well actually" here that you might be thinking. You're downloading Java libraries, maybe they're all cryptographically signed so even though they're being downloaded over HTTP, we'll still check the signature and that's just not true. Some of them are signed. Some of them are signed. But then the signature's not really checked by maven. So we're all good. So here's what we want to do. I want to somehow, like, proxy when I download a new library. I decided to start a new project, I downloaded a bunch of new libraries, I want to proxy that. And then I want to put evil stuff in those jars and I want to, like, make sure that the evil stuff actually runs on your machine and I want it to, like, not break things too much. I mean, I want to break things, but I want to not "really" break things. So first of all, we need to, like, somehow proxy the developer when they're downloading a new library. You could, like, set up a router, you know, in a place where there's a lot of programmers. And you use IP tables to forward all the traffic to a program that you wrote, which you can do. There's, like, what I did is there's an XML file that maven uses and you can set the proxy. So there's this amazing library -- there's this amazing tool called MITMProxy. You point your browser at it, and it takes all the requests and you can edit them. And they have a library they released as well which makes it this literally this easy to modify traffic. You write one method and it gets this flow object and that has the request and I look at the request and I say if it's coming from and it's a jar, put something evil there. So then we want to get our code to execute. So let's say I wrote some evil Java. Like, you know, I've made a package, I could do something evil. To get it in a jar that I intercepted is pretty easy. A jar is just a zip file. So all I have to do is just compile that Java into a class, take that class, put it in a zip file and send that file along. So the next step is I need to somehow modify the other code in that jar in order to get it to run. So there's this library called Krakatau which is a Python/Java decompiler disassembler, assembler. The GitHub author username is storyyeller. But is the website of Melvil Dewey, hip hop superstar. And that's Melvil Dewey's first album, Papercuts. So this is how you use it. It's a really nice library. It's really not written to be used as anything other than a command line tool. And so I just copied and pasted a bunch of code but what really matters is you just disassemble some Java and you put more of Jasmine in and you assemble it back and what Jasmine is, it's a way of writing Java byte code in a way that looks like assembly syntax. So this is the evil Java that we want. And how many of you have seen that static thing just like that, bare in Java 'cause I never did and it took me, like, three days to figure out how to do this because what I really want is, I don't know what class you're going to load and when you load some class into memory I want it to execute my code without, like, you actually having to call a function. And I really wanted a class initializer, which in Java are called static blocks which some of you know, which I didn't, and it took me forever to find that. But I figured it out and so whenever you import the class and you load it into memory, that static block gets executed and in Java, it invocation static in that method. So -- it invokes static in that method. I also inject a little bit of Java byte code into that class that you're going to use when you use the library that I've backdoored. Which class? All of the classes. So I just put that byte code in every single class in the jar for the best. You'll probably use one of them if you're using the jar. I don't want to break things too much, though. To in my evil backdoor, I just check if it ran and if it did, I don't do anything but I do it at least once. Is this going to work? So I wrote an awesome "hello world" that uses joda time to print the time, and also hello world and I'm typing really slowly for some reason. And so it runs, and you can see on the bottom of the screen it says the current local time and it says "hello world." And then I'm going to open a terminal and delete joda time from, like, my system as I slowly type out what I'm doing. But my apologies. I recorded this video, like, without a talk and I can't really do this anymore as you'll find out soon. So I have to use this video. And so I delete it, and I go back to teleJay -- I do a maven install, so it's going to tell this thing. And you can see I'm backdooring every single class. One of them is the one that I used to, like, figure out what time it is, to tell you when I tell you hello world. When I go and I run this code again. There it is, it's loaded again. Run mistakes! Run the code! Stop typing! They already know! Why are you so slow? Yes! So... [ Applause ] So we successfully put a LOLCat in Java updates. So the epilogue is, HTTPS/SSL support now! And that post was July 8th, and this post was August 4th, so it was an extremely short turnaround time. So it was a good job. Thank you.